Thursday, May 31, 2007

one thing

Memory objects as Jewels:
Rowena and I had spent several evenings together. One night when I dropped her off at her home, we said our goodbyes in our obfuscatory friendly way. I was getting ready to start my Truck when the passenger door opened. In one seamless motion she leaned in across the seat and kissed me "full upon the lips". Her gaze holding me captive as she withdrew, closing the door again.
I can hold this moment. It keeps me connected to everything her and I have been.

It depends on your definition of the word “IS “

One positive outcome of seeing my consciousness as an object is the place events in my life have taken as a things that exist. They are objects, that have permanence. The sense of the passage of time within the experience is only a way our biology facilitates understanding the potential within our existence.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

value added

Making such a grand and sweeping statement about the value of my consciousness begs the question...who gives a rats ass?? What difference does it make in the way I live? Does it make my life easier... happier? Does it bring me closer to those around me? What has Rene' Descartes done for me lately? The fact that I cannot doubt my own existence is little comfort if I doubt the love of those I cherish.

Monday, May 28, 2007


"What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! how infinite in faculties! in form and moving, how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension, how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?"
"Hamlet, Act 2 scene 2"

Or in other words "My Internal Dialog". And many others or Shakespeare's words would not be resonating centuries later. Unsaid in this however is that our view of humanity is our view of our selves. The glory and wonder of our existence is our hope for ourselves. Bleak and wretched is our fear of our selves. The ebbing and flowing tide of the evaluation is the power that drives us into many of our life's bitter battles. The search for God. Our preening quest for the desire of others. The need to have the people we share this time with acknowledge the uniqueness and correctness of our thoughts.
I think the question "Does My life and all of the experiences the make it's composition have any value, any meaning?" is a simple one. If all silk in the east were yours or all the gold of the Aztecs fell into your hands; the only thing you will ever really touch is the texture of your own thoughts. The object that represents the entirety of your experience is the singularity of existence. Anything of which there is only one of has infinite value.